Todd Cione's Message to Teradata Customers Regarding COVID-19


We are more connected than ever before

First and foremost, our hearts go out to anyone who has been impacted by COVID-19, directly or indirectly. Our thoughts are with those who are sick, for whom we wish a full and speedy recovery. As the COVID-19 pandemic dynamically evolves, we continue to monitor the guidance of leading global health organizations from around the world. During this time, I wanted to reach out and update you on how we're approaching the situation at Teradata but, more importantly, reassert our commitment to you, our customers, during this time.

  1. Firstly, we have taken a stand to protect the health of our customers, partners, and employees. All of our employees around the world are now working from home until further notice. The only exceptions made will be in the support of our customers.
  2. With many of our employees already working remotely, we believe we will make this transition as smooth as possible. We aim to continue to deliver the highest levels of performance, availability, and peace of mind for our customers.
  3. We have asked our teams to work with you virtually and through digital channels as much as possible. We have postponed all of our in-person events through June 2020, and have quickly altered the events you found most impactful (such as our Answers World Tour) into virtual programs. We will be sharing details about these new virtual events with you soon.
  4. Every one of us at Teradata remains focused on your success. In the rare instance that both of our teams need to collaborate physically, we will discuss on a case-by-case basis.
  5. In support of the broader global community, we will also be making some of our technology available for our customers, partners, and communities - particularly in healthcare, government and other verticals where collectively, we can positively impact this virus.

In times of crisis, humanity has a way of coming together, but this time around, the crisis we face is also the thing that keeps us physically apart. Today we are more connected than ever before, and social distance poses new challenges at every level of society. We will meet the problem and we will adapt, but I want to let you know that we always stick together - even if physically, we are apart.

We will commit to keeping you updated, and as always, please do not hesitate to call your account teams or me. We value your feedback, ideas, and questions.

Todd Cione
Chief Revenue Officer

See Teradata's full response to COVID-19